S317 Consulting

S317 Talks – Victor Tavares Morais

This week we hosted one more event of S317 Talks, with Energy being at the centre of the discussion. We had the pleasure to receive in our office Mr Victor Tavares Morais, presenting his view on “A new Energy order: Energy security, resources use and GHG”. 

During the session, our team had the opportunity to discuss the resources consumption evolution and its implication based on the new geopolitical order, as well as its impacts on the security of supply, climate change goals and biodiversity, being all connected to energy. The knowledge and expertise shared by Victor were enlightening and enriching to our team. We are very grateful for his contribution. 

S317 Talks is one of our newest initiatives, which is aligned with our values of constantly seeking to excel and empower our team. It is essential for our company to constantly acquire new expertise, in order to provide growth opportunities to our people and the best services to our clients.