S317 Consulting

Web-based Water Resources Information Management System for the National Water Resources Institute

Water is a very precious resource, essential for life on the planet.

Globally, water availability and quality are decreasing rapidly, which is why it is so crucial to continuously devote efforts to its efficient management, as established by the UN in SDG6.

Angola has not experienced the same level of draughts as some other countries, however, water shortages are becoming more common and more severe. So, we are very happy to announce that, under the Second Water Sector Institutional Development Project (WSIDP-2), we are supporting the Ministry of Energy and Water (MINEA) of the Government of the Republic of Angola in addressing an improvement of the existent Information Systems of the Water Resources. 

Together with QuidgestAzulchip and LNEC, we are contributing to the development and implementation of a Web-based Water Resources Information Management System for the National Water Resources Institute (INRH – Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hídricos), that will result in the National System on Water Resources Use and Information (SNUIRH – Sistema Nacional de Utilização e Informação de Recursos Hídricos).