Mr. Jaime Baptista presented and discussed with our team the challenges of water services in the next decades. As a reference in the water sector, both nationally and internationally, Mr Jaime Baptista presented the evolution of the sector in Portugal in the past 30 years, and he discussed with our team the sector’s challenges and the water-energy nexus in a “decarbonisation world”.
S317 Talks is a new initiative in our company, providing our team with the opportunity to connect and learn from experts in areas of our everyday work. These are informal sessions, where for 1h30 a guest shares their view on a topic of their expertise and receives questions from our team. This initiative works towards our vision of personal and professional growth, and enhances knowledge within our team, in a space that fosters a critical approach to challenges, all in an informal setting. We will pursue this initiative throughout 2022 with other guests.
We will keep you posted!
We are honoured to have welcomed Mr Jaime Baptista from LIS-Water to our S317 Talks