S317 Consulting

Stakeholders’ Consultation in Gaia

Yesterday, we were at INOVAGAIA facilitating a Stakeholders’ Consultation.  

We are working with Gaiurb on the development of an Investment Concept to fund practices towards energy efficiency. This is another Horizon Europe project under the EUCF funding scheme, which provides financial support to municipalities to develop an Investment Concepts that supports their move in the Energy Transition process.

The main priorities of the Investment Concept for Vila Nova de Gaia are: 

  • Renewable Energy Communities
  • Electrical Mobility

These two were the topics under discussion at the event, where stakeholders representing different groups had the opportunity to share their views, opinions and how they could all work together for a greener energy consumption in Gaia. The event was composed of moments of presenting the current set of actions proposed and a brainstorming/debate session. 

We are very grateful for the active participation of the stakeholders and their insights which will contribute to an improved final version of the investment concept being developed. 

If you would like to know more about our work on helping municipalities in their energy transition path, send us an email